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Eight Factors to Consider When Choosing a Guardian for Your Children

Who should raise your children if, for some reason, you or your spouse are unable to do so? It’s not an easy question to answer, but if you have young children, it is a topic you most certainly should address in your estate plan. Otherwise, a court will decide, and their decision will probably not be the same as the one you would have made and may not even be in the best interests of your children.

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Myths and Misconceptions about Retirement Planning

Numerous studies have shown that Americans’ greatest fear regarding retirement is running out of money. Even so, myths abound about planning for retirement, Social Security, the cost of medical care, and more.

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When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Estate Plan?

For many, an estate plan is created and never looked over again – until it’s necessary to do so. But did you know that you should really look at your estate plan as something that grows and changes with you?

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What to Do When a Loved One is Diagnosed with Dementia

A dementia diagnosis is a traumatic time for any family. Dementia happens slowly and progressively over time. In the early stages, some symptoms are often thought of as just signs of aging.

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Your Legacy is More than Just the Money You Leave to Loved Ones

When we hear the word legacy, many of us think of money left to people and institutions that have come to mean the most to us over the course of our lives.

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Why Do People “Put Off” Estate Planning?

The statistics are rather alarming. In 2005, 50 percent of Americans had a will; today, only 32 percent of us have one. Meanwhile, only one in three Americans over the age of 55 has a durable power of attorney, and a mere 41 percent of this same demographic has advance health care directives.

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How to Protect the Legacy of Your Vacation Home

For generations, the children in your family have learned to swim by jumping off the dock of your family’s vacation home. It’s a rite of passage for each grandchild to learn how to bait a hook from grandpa while fireflies flicker in the summer heat. The legacy of a vacation home is the pinnacle of the American Dream.

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The Risks of Giving Adult Children an “Advance” on Their Inheritance

There are many reasons you might consider giving your adult children a portion of their inheritance now, while you’re alive and well. Maybe you’ve seen your nest egg grow thanks to a robust stock market, and you have more in savings than you thought you would at this stage of your life.

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Here’s What Can Happen If You Don’t Have an Estate Plan of Your Own

Losing control over how your assets are distributed after death isn’t the only negative consequence of failing to plan. You and your family may suffer physically, financially and emotionally while you are still alive. For example, a properly designed and implemented plan allows you to name people you trust to make medical and/or financial decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.

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Do You Need a Trust?

One of the first questions many clients ask is whether they need a trust. It's a great question, but it leads to another: What do you want your plan to accomplish?

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