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5 Things To Consider When Choosing A Guardian For Your Kids

If something terrible happened to you and your spouse, what would become of your children? It’s not something anyone wants to think about but think about it we must.

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The Importance of Business Planning

If you already own a business or are considering starting one soon, you are likely exploring strategies to ensure your venture can maintain profitability and staying power.

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Why Transferring Home Ownership Does Not Replace an Estate Plan

It can be tempting to avoid costs of creating an estate plan when your only significant asset is your home. After all, what's the harm of simply putting your home in your child's name to avoid probate and be done with it?

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Should Your Beneficiary Serve as Your Executor or Trustee?

For most people, choosing an executor or trustee means choosing someone close to them – a family member or a friend. However, this often means their executor or trustee is also a beneficiary.

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What’s Not to Like About an I Love You Will? Plenty.

An “I Love You Will” is a last will and testament in which the testator—the person who makes the will—leaves everything to his or her spouse.

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A Will is a Key Component of Any Estate Plan, But It’s Not Enough

When most people think of estate planning, usually writing out their will comes to mind. While a will can help you accomplish a few important planning goals, it’s certainly not a complete plan to protect your future.

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Can You Still Retire Comfortably on a Million Dollars?

Once upon a time, amassing a million dollars for retirement meant that your golden years would be very golden indeed. But what about now—is a million dollars still enough money to enjoy a luxurious retirement?

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Why You Need a Digital Will

Digital technology has transformed the way we live. Our society has irrevocably plunged into the digital world. As technology becomes ever more deeply embedded into our daily lives, we need to plan accordingly.

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Planning Tips for the Sandwich Generation

The term “sandwich generation” refers to people who are raising their own children while simultaneously trying to care for aging parents. If you are “sandwiched” between these two roles, the stress can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips for managing the challenge.

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Sentimental Assets and Your Will: Understanding When Someone Can Challenge Your Wishes

How can you prevent your heirs from fighting over items with sentimental value? Many people believe that a statement in a will or trust that basically says “tangible personal property should be divided as my heirs see fit” will solve the problem.

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